How does one fight a revolution without getting killed or going to jail? Read the letter below by a guy by the name of John Dini. Guaranteed you have never heard his name but someday your great, great grandchildren may read about his letter helped fuel the American Peoples' Revolution of 2008. He explains what this Bailout thingy is really all about. This very respectable businessman, John Dini, took the time to read the 450+page bill and managed to weed through all of the mumbo jumbo and pork fat and lay it all out for us dummies and slackers in a clear and concise format. Please read the entire letter, because if you skip the part about all the hidden porkfat, you will not be mad enough to do something.
His conclusion, is that we must vote out everyone who voted for this unbelievable travesty and robbery of taxpayers (and their descendants for multiple generations). I am adding that esoteric and mystical word; Revolution. Esoteric and mystical for the root of the word is evolve. And in the middle of this magical word do you see the word LOVE? The Creator is everywhere isn’t she? (Much like Dog when spelled backwords=God! and Yes, I realize I have segued off the point.)
There is a day for a revolution of the people. That day is Nov. 4th. One day. This revolution can be fought and won in one day with no jail time, no gun shots and not even a broken press-on nail. You may not realize it due to the main stream media’s tendency to treat us like a Mushroom Ranch (kept in the dark and fed shit) but there are other respectable candidates that we could vote for. Candidates who actually have old fashioned respect for that nifty little document called the US CONSTITUTION that was signed by those bad boys of history who had the fired ass balls to kick those friggin English tea drinking biscuit eaters outta here, back in the last quarter of the 1700's.
Here's some other candidates that I am sure most have never heard one tiny word. There’s the Libertarian dude, Bob Barr, the Green Party Wahine; Cynthia McKinney (a black woman no less, now that would be way cooler than Obama with his old white guy vp!) and of course the venerable, irrepressable and nearly invisible Ralph Nader. If enough of us woke up by some strange miracle or some kind of
100th Monkey event, then we could stop these crimes and take back our country from the blatant thieves, er, I mean the Government.
“WE THE PEOPLE” have been robbed, raped, spit and crapped on by the Facist Wall Street Banking /Paulson/Bush/Cheney Cartel on October 1st with this phony bailout bill. They have stuffed the wadded up constitution up our butts and are laughing their asses off in their plush, well stocked, booze laden bunkers. They have given us the choice of Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee and think we are all STOOOPID and too pre occupied with “Dancing with the Stars” to give a crap. They fart in our face, and wave their fingers at us and dance around with all of their hot off the press FRN’s.
What is going on now, as the Bush Regime loots the taxpayers in plain daylight, is way more catastrophic than those twin towers' horrific controlled demolition on September 11th, 2001. Those towers were a portent of more to come. Seven years later, a monster named GREED has morphed into a blood thirsty GODZILLA with tyransaurrus size fangs and testicles stumbling around and devouring the entire economy in its path. No one, and no thing is safe. It would be fascinating to see how history tells this story five hundreds years from now, of how the most powerful nation on earth was laid to waste and ruin by a government run by an Oil cartel who did what they could to secure a dwindling resource barely available in their own nation.
Okay, enough of my lunacy, read this letter and please get pissed off enough to vote out ALL of these idiots, even our dear, sweet, Mazie Hirono, bless her pea picken little kitten heart. I like her but she did not think for herself and bowed down to the Dictator, Herr Paulson. (Sorry Mazie, you blew it. You should remained in
Marcy Kaptur’s camp.
Okay, faithful readers, check this out:
This is not a conservative or liberal, Republican or Democratic letter. This is for anyone who is angry about how our government is running, or who is frustrated by a feeling of helplessness, or who feels unable to do anything about our current mess.
A legislature that has a 9% approval rating, ONE MONTH before an election, just passed a bill that constituents' comments ran 100 to 1 AGAINST. Not only did they ignore voter opinion, but under extreme scrutiny, they STILL added lots of breaks for cronies, and they did so KNOWING that 90% of them would be re-elected ANYWAY. This letter is long, but at the end I will tell you how I think we can do something about it.
My name is John F. Dini. I am a small business owner in Texas, with 4 employees and well under a million dollars in gross revenue. I have lived in both red and blue states, on the east coast and the west. I don't think what I have to say should offend anyone. That's why I'm willing to put my name on it. My email is Unlike many of our legislators, I will take personal responsibility for my actions. You are welcome to let me know what you think, and whether you're signing on to this.
If you don't want to read about the bailout bill, skip down to "END OF BAILOUT BILL DISCUSSION".
Last week Congress passed HB 1424, the "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act." As you've probably heard, it was a bit more than just the bailout bill. I've gone through all 451 pages. Here are some highlights:
• Sec. 103: The Treasury can also purchase mortgages on apartment buildings. To my knowledge, those who own apartment buildings aren't usually in danger of having their house taken away.
• Sec. 110 allows the regulators (there is a whole new bureaucracy being formed) to make any change to any troubled mortgage, including giving the property away.
• Sec. 116: Keeps the bureaucracy in place until the last asset is sold, or the last loan is paid.
• Sec 122: Raises the debt ceiling to $11,315,000,000,000. For historical reference, we broke the $1 trillion debt limit in the Reagan administration. That runaway borrowing is what George H.W. Bush called "Voodoo Economics." Last week we borrowed another trillion in a day.
• Sec. 132 suspends FASB 157. That's what made banks show the real value of their assets on their books, even if it had fallen to zero. That is no longer necessary, (but we WILL form a commission to decide later on what they should be showing to their shareholders, presumably something other than the actual value of their assets.)
• Sec. 136 raises the FDIC published coverage limit to $250,000 per account. What they haven't mentioned is that this higher "coverage" expires in 15 months, and the FDIC is ordered NOT to adjust the insurance for these new risks. That law actually just orders the FDIC to change the number $100,000 to $250,000 everywhere, nothing else.
That is the first 112 pages. The next bill (actually several different laws, passed on the same vote) extends a bunch of energy tax breaks for wind, clean coal, biofuels, geothermal, and others. It also gives credits to the steel industry, for plug in vehicles (in addition to the $25 billion handout to GM and Ford last week), for the black lung trust fund, and for home appliances that recycle gray water.
The next bill tacked on is a Tax Relief bill. That one raises the AMT trigger by a fraction (from $66K to $69K) and has special tax breaks for:
• Restaurant and retail depreciation
• Rum from Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands
• Businesses in American Samoa
• Mine rescue training
• Businesses on Indian Reservations (casinos)
• Railroad tracks
• Motorsports Racing Facilities (the "NASCAR" break)
• Employees of companies affected by Hurricane Katrina
• Investing in Washington DC
• Wool producers
• Film and television production
• Wooden arrow manufacturers
• Winners of Exxon Valdez lawsuits
• Farming Machinery purchases
Also, the failed 2007 Paul Wellstone mental health bill is included here, which requires all health insurers to cover mental health treatment just like physical illness. I'm not sure how long this bill has been trying to get passed, but Senator Wellstone DIED in 2002.
Under "other" THAT bill has another 100 pages including the following:
• Funding for schools, roads, weed control, forest ecosystems, improved cooperation among Federal agencies and the Oregon & California Railroad.
• Secure payments for states with Federal Lands, which you would think was everybody, but is defined as only LA, CA, OR, PA, SC, SD, TX and WA.
• A call for proposals to cooperate with Federal agencies, which upon reading is actually a requirement that BLM accept a minimum of 50% of timber logging contracts over the next 3 years.
• Doubling of the "Mine Reclamation Fund"
• Rewording of the Katrina relief bills to include IL, IA, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, and WI
• Further extension of Katrina Relief to ANYONE "affected" by Hurricane Ike.
My sympathies to the folks in Maine and North Dakota, who appear to have been left out (unless that's where the wooden arrow makers cluster.) Actual outlays are not $700 billion, but an estimated $852 billion, apparently not counting tax reductions.
Are you angry yet?
In her 1957 novel "Atlas Shrugged" Ayn Rand foresaw an America where corrupt businessmen and politicians allied to loot the country for all they could get. They got away with it because most people either believed that a bit more hard work, a bit more struggling, would see things turnaround eventually, or that everything was beyond their ability to control anyway. Many people disagree with Rand's conclusions and philosophy, but on this she was truly clairvoyant.
Most voters believe that Congress is full of bad actors, EXCEPT FOR THEIR GUY! Your congressman (or woman) came to your Rotary meeting, or saved a local industry, or got funding for your favorite park, and therefore is one of the "good guys." I put forward the idea that if any one of them was truly above the corruption, he or she would have been back in your district screaming bloody murder rather than in DC casting a vote for or against this farce. Instead, every single Congressman is telling you that it was the other guys who got us into this mess. They are cultivating and depending on our fear of each other to stay in power.
I don't "do" chain letters, even the ones my relatives send me that say "return this to show you care for me." This is my first-ever exception. I care enough to risk your annoyance with me for sending this. It's up to you to decide whether you care more about saving this democracy, or having a friend, customer or client think you are "too political."
I believe that if we continue "business as usual" by returning over 90% of Congress to office, we are rewarding their arrogance; and surrendered any fantasy that our government is answerable to the people. They obviously don't believe it. That is why Congress has exempted itself from labor law, equal opportunity, OSHA, Social Security and any liability. This may be our last chance to remind our elected officials that this is supposed to be a government by the people.
"My vote can't do anything"
You can't vote to throw out the other guy's representative, you can only vote for or against your own. In 2006 the Democrats won their average district with a 54.8% vote, considered a landslide. The so-called Republican Revolution of 1994 was won with an average of 51.6% of the vote. So if one person in twenty changed their vote, the result would be an almost complete turnover in Congress!
Our Founding Fathers designed the checks and balances of government well. The Senate is supposed to change slowly, so that it provides a longer-term perspective. The House changes every two years because it is supposed to reflect the current mood of the people! Returning 90% of Congress to office year after year, decade after decade, is surrendering the responsibility that Jefferson, Adams and Washington placed in us. It confirms their belief that they are untouchable.
On November 4th, vote for whomever you feel would be the better President, Senator, Governor, and for any state or local office, BUT VOTE AGAINST YOUR INCUMBENT CONGRESSMAN OR CONGRESSWOMAN. It doesn't matter who it is. It doesn't matter who the other candidate is. Cross party lines. Close your eyes or hold your nose when you do it, but do it. In 30 days we can send the biggest message to Congress of the last 100 years. It's a message that says "You aren't above the law. You are answerable for this mess. You still serve the people of this country."
And pass this along widely and quickly. Remember, we have less than 30 days, and it will only take one in twenty.
Thank you.
John F. Dini, CMBA, BCB, CBI
President, MPN Incorporated
(210) 615-1800
Profile of John F. Dini:

John Dini
• Bachelor's Degree: B.S., Accounting, Rutgers University
• Master's Degree: MBA, Pepperdine University
• Certifications: Professional Behavioral Analyst
• Certified MBA
• Certified Medical Practice Executive
• Strategic Business Leadership
• Board Certified Broker
• Certified Business Intermediary
John Dini has over 30 years of experience in entrepreneurial management. He has owned and operated start-up or turnaround companies for the last 21 years, and consulted for start-up organizations for 10 years. John founded The Alternative Board-TAB® in San Antonio in 1997, and has overseen its growth to its current status as the most successful TAB chapter in North America.
He has owned companies ranging from $2,000,000 to $15,000,000 in sales, including a warehouse distributor (automotive), a manufacturer (automotive and sporting goods) and a management services company (healthcare). John is a member of Jim Blasingame's "Braintrust", a group of business experts who appear regularly on the Small Business Advocate a nationally syndicated radio show. He is also the author of "103 Tips for Better Hiring" and co-author of "11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know About Selling Your Business".