Thomas Jefferson had a lot to say about the dangers of the Central Banking sytem and I seem to be seeing the same quote trotted out over and over again. It is mind boggling how prescient that man was. I am proud that a man of his brilliance was a founding father of this country. Here is the famous quote that is so pertinent for these times. I believe this will be the creed and motto that will fire this revolution that I so clearly smell.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. —Thomas Jefferson, 1802
And another great quote from Mr. Jefferson that spells the dire warnings of the perils of DEBT SLAVERY. This is a pretty clear statement for where many of our fellow citizens now find themselves.
"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers... And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for[ another]... till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery... And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression"-- Thomas Jefferson
Now the rest of this text is from Ticker Forum and is posted by a character who goes by Jjkp777. His commentary is regarding the current Bailout battles. I don’t know da dude but he expresses many of the same thoughts that make me want to take up a Revolutionary role. His words are inflammatory and filled with anger and profanity but are reasonable and just.
So with the recent financial turmoil, some things should be clearly evident:1) The banks and wall street run the Federal Reserve and consequently, they control the federal government. And for “self preservation”, they will do everything in their power to stay in power. All the money is controlled by them and politicians are servants to them. Watch how the politicians continue to act in the next few days and see for yourself who “owns” them. And observe how all the laws and rules of our country have been thrown out the window in order to protect them.2) Because the banks and wall street have all the power, all the trillions of dollars in losses that they incurred in taking the wrong bets will now be entirely paid by you, Joe Six Pack sucker, because you're too stupid to know what's going on. This bailout means bailing out the banking mafia. Plain and simple.3) False Flag anyone? You dumb shits are being scared into bailing out financial institutions that have committed the greatest fraud in the history of our country. Read Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein to understand what's happening here.4) Accept the bailouts and your dollars will be worth shit. You'll be able to use it as toilet paper as the Treasury prints dollars to “preserve the banks and wall street”. Recent events have shown that the bailouts just keep getting bigger and bigger. Now a super bailout is being proposed. I say fuckk that. Fuckk the banks.5) “But what can we do?”, you say. I say fuckk the banks and withdraw all your money now.. Oops... we have a fractional reserve banking system which means that for every dollar, there are about 10 dollars that the banking system lends (or in more recent events, loses). This is the great ponzi schemes of all ponzi schemes.. That means, first one to withdraw gets the “actual” cash. So take your fucking money out and say “to hell with you fucktard banks”. They're not lending anyway, nor are they giving any decent return on certificates of deposit. Plus, your cash is being used to pay for their losses. I say fuck that. Take your money out now.6) Second, I say stop paying your unsecured debts. If these assholes at these financial institutions can get bailouts in the trillions of dollars to be paid by the taxpayer, why the fuck would you pay your debts that is a pittance in comparison? They're just going to get paid anyway, right? Who knows, they might even get paid twice. Once by you and then by the government. I would NOT put it pass these bankers and wall street assholes. Moral hazard, my ass. Fuck you banking industry!7) Third, I say liquidate all your stock holdings and say “fuck you” to wall street and the banks. We enable these assholes by purchasing stocks and by giving them our money. Now that they've changed the rules (ban on short selling) about selling and buying, sell everything cause the game is officially fixed.8) Wall street and these banks are the leeches that earn off production but actually don't produce a damn thing. They just push paper around and earn a “vig” off of every transaction, kinda like Mastercard/Visa/American Express. I say fuck them and stop using your credit cards and only pay with cash.. Cause everytime you use a credit card, between 2 to 5% of that money goes to Mastercard, etc.... for doing absolutely fucking nothing. Plus they charge you, the card user interest! Fuck that!So fuck the bailouts and fuck wall street and banking industry. Votes don't mean shit to these bankers, but your money does. Take out your cash and buy gold or buy some other tangible asset, like food, shelter or clothing. The death of Wall Street has finally arrived. Liquidate what you have before it's not worth anything anymore. There's a rush for the exits and the first ones out just might survive this mess that Wall Street created at the expense of us all.
This guy expressed so much justified rage, I thought it was a good idea to respond to his vitriole and cool him off a bit if nothing more than to inject some common sense and a slightly different outlook. So the following are my words:
Jjkp777, Light up the torches, lead the way, Brah. If collective j6p had a revolutionary like yourself with your rhetoric, then the Pigmen would be the main course at the GREAT Luau. Many agree, to get back our country this maybe what the people have to do. It takes extreme courage and conviction with a fired ass movement to win over the collective mindset, though. Televisions would have to be turned off so as to silence the Madison Ave. mindfuck for starters. Whats the chance of that unless the lights go off due to sudden PEAK OIL CATACLYSM? Events ARE coming together that might set off a tsunami sea change, one big collective "Aha" moment where everyone simultaneously realizes the same chain of events. I know I have been thinking this way for quite awhile, at least for over a year. I have been planting the same seeds to the more downtrodden debt zombies, cause they're so desperate to get outta their certain deathgrip of bondage.Media tools like "Maxed Out" and "In Debt We Trust" can fire up the masses. If someone like Michael Moore could get his fangs on this and deliver it to Joe and Jane, that would do it. Perhaps, though, this is already creeping into everyone's subconscious. More and more folks are exiting the Affluenza gig and sitting down on the Frugality bench. The movement is going down, it may not play out the way we think just yet. Most folks tend to be law abiding and into their 8 hour sleep habit. Breaking ten commandments and government's laws are not an easy wall to climb over.One thing I do know about the average Debt Servant, complements from my neighbor, who could be America’s Next Top Model for Debt Slavery, is that if they are doing everything to stay in their home, then credit cards are NOT being paid. My neighbor has all of the debt that 30 credit cards could pile on, plus a classic Countrywide subprime mortgage, two car loans, heloc, and god knows what else. She lost her job as an office manager at a local Water Catchment and Pool Contracting Company 8 months ago. Her replacement career as a self employed cash under the sink toilet scrubber for Hilo's upper crust barely affords her the luxuries she so enjoyed less than a year ago. (Yes, she did play her bit part in facilitating Wamu's death.)
Is my neighbor a victim of greedy bankers and FED/Gov or is she one of the perpetrators of this Financial Category 5 Shitzstorm? I know for a fact she was and (probably still is) hooked into the vibe that "Life takes Visa". A hardcore HSN, SHOPNBC addict, if there were 6 different colors going fast, she quickly picked up the phone and placed the order. Is she any less greedy than Wall Street Pigmen? If her Karma had been to be Quant geek for BSC would she have not gone for the whole enchilada there, too?Now she sits gnashing her teeth 24/7, high up the list on Bill Collector’s automated speed dial, cringeing everytime the phone rings, constantly gripped with anxiety that she will soon be back living in her ex-husband's shithole slapped together sub third world shack with polytarp roof or worse maybe sleeping in the back of her Nissan truck. (I am not making any of this up, either.) The only brightspot in her life is the 50 pounds she dropped due to excessive financial worries and being forced to live within her means!Yes, Jj, revolution is already happening and life will be far different for DebtZombies who manage to wake up and survive this crippling affluenza. Madison Ave and banking industry batted their false eyelashes, hairsprayed the bouffant, put on the 6 inch red hooker heals and promised to take us to heavenly heights of Affluent McMansion lifestyle for the small price of paying the minimum balance every month. We took the bait without a thought about the mountain of credit card statements we would have to navigate.
Karma is a bitch, and not everyone is willing to break their own personal code of ethics, but if the Constitution is being shredded and shoved up our asses then maybe we could justify a temporary detour from the same old, same old especially for a “Boston Tea Party” moment in history. I am all for it and ready to be conscripted to a leadership position when that collective “AHA” moment arrives. Hokulani (thats the name I post under)
Here’s some more ideas for a Revolutionary Lite approach from a character that goes by the name of Lizardqueen . I agreed with her methods since it just happens to be our current business model here at Hale Moa.
Another set of ideas, for those who aren't comfortable financially. legally, or morally with taking the money and running: Basically, drop out of the system as much as possible:1) Reduce what you buy. Buy used. Barter. Pay with cash if you must buy something new.2) Provide as much for yourself as you can so you don't have to buy much. Garden. Keep chickens.3) Work off the books. Barter work for items you need. 4) Change the withholding on your taxes so that nothing is paid to the .gov until a minute before it has to be. File estimated taxes.5) Reduce your income to the point where your tax liability is minimal. Make enough to live on and that's it. 6) Remove your assets from the current system as much as possible. When you must use banks, go with local credit unions. There's a lot we can do to starve The Beast that is the federal government, all legally. Figure out who is doing what with your money and cease to do business with those entities whose actions you don't agree with as much as you can.
This one makes a lot of sense. Most of us on the Big Island practice some or all of these models. This is why the Big Island will weather the coming Financial Winter (Depression lua Nui ) far better than most places. We are used to doing without a lot of the finer things in life already and will not feel as much pain as the mainlanders and our Oahu ohana.
When the real estate Party sparked itself on this island, its stay was so brief that most of us did not even get a chance to eat da pupus much less crack open the champagne. We had this brief frenzied burst of building, buying and selling and then pouf it was all over by August 2006. Most of us never got the chance to sell our shitboxes for high six figures. We were all too jammed up, stuck in long traffic lines behind fancy SUV’s with fully made up bleach blondes in the driver seat. License plates on the back with strange logos and colors. Where did they come from and who told them about this place? Then, pouf, one day we realize, no more long lines, all Hawaii plates again. What happened, where did they all go?
My thoughts are this, those people may start flooding back over here again as tension and turmoil on the mainland reaches PANIC-CODE RED. If the Mother of ALL Bailouts passes through and the Wall Street Beast calms down, then I suspect we will go back to life as we know it, but if it does not quell that monster……
Many learned minds think the asteroid has already hit and politicians are merely fighting over how to clean up the flotsam and jetsam.