2. Downsized living, debt freedom and creative frugality hints will be the new "Flip this House".
3. The Obama Team will explore the ending of the Marijuana prohibition as a viable source of new tax revenue.
4. Obama commerative coins and plates are found in the "Dollar Store" Salvation Army, and Goodwill by the end of March.

5. Backyard gardening and Soil restoration will replace Carnival Cruises, Disney and Tahoe vacations.
6. Affluenza sufferers will be the subject of a new reality series called "I See Debt People ". It will be produced by the folks who brought us VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club".
7. The Shopacopalypse continues to devastate the discretionary consumer sector of the US economy. Garage sales, flea and farmer's markets will be found in every suburban neighborhood and will morph into a powerful shadow economy
8. California will continue to be ground zero for economic implosion. Instead of Dust Bowl refugees coming into the state in GD 1.0, this time former McMansion dwellers in Ford Explorer hybrids will flee to Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado,Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii. Oregonians will take to the streets, though, in protest and will pass around petitions to keep them out of that state.

9. Starbucks files for Chapter 11.
10. The nine bailout banks will become nationalized and the losses will not be contained due to exponentially exploding credit card, mortgage and auto loan defaults. The worst is yet to come.
11. Martha Stewart will have an afternoon show that will focus on 19th and early 20th century domestic arts such as canning, gardening, sewing, crotcheting, knitting and rugmaking. A special feature of the show will be a "Trash to treasure" craft demonstration. It will be so popular that Oprah will follow the trend as well.
12. The "Supernanny" will train parents how to re-program their greedy, spoiled, brand conscious, materialistic brats out of cell phone, Ipod, and XBox addiction. She will lead them out to the backyard and transform their monster swing set playgrounds into raised bed gardens. "Seeds of Change" packets, miniature wheel barrows and shovels will channel all of the pent up frustrations.

13. The Big Island will escape the worst of the economic depression when ex-Californians start relocating here in ever increasing numbers, due to escalating civil unrest in the Golden State after Arnie declares the state bankrupt. As of February 1st this is no longer speculation as California, already implementing Plan "D" will start issuing "IOU's" for welfare checks, tax refunds, student loans and vendors.
14. Board games, penny ante poker, neighborhood video showings and variety shows will begin to lift folks out of the fog of economic malaise. A renaissance of "Personal Connections" will become the national pastime of GD 2.0. Social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook will continue to be very popular.
15. Pharmaceutical stocks will take a big hit as droves of people start ditching their antidepressants. Once the load of debts and the constant pressure to acquire BMW's, McMansions, and designer handbags eases, and once we start growing our own food, the mood of society will start to lighten up as everyone will begin to discover the light through all of this doom and gloom.