Today, I opened up my Volkswagen, which had been sitting idle due to its overdue need for a new timing belt. It had been sitting for over a month. I was horrified to find mold spores growing all over the interior and dead coqui frogs under the seats. A solution of hot water with a splash of bleach and a drop of soap took care of the mold, but the dead coquis left no question that we are over run by these little shrill creatures. Maybe they will die out, from starvation. No one knows what they eat. My husband thinks they eat mosquitoes. That may be true, because I have not seen too many mosquitoes despite
neighborhood for that town, told me that she sees a family of 5 wild pigs running up and down the ravine behind her house. This in an area of nice homes on average quarter acre lots in the middle of Hilo!
So, having said this about creature infestation, can humans be infesting the planet as well? Most of you who read this blog, would not argue that statement. I was reading Alternet, which is my favorite online newspaper and I see this-"Kids are a Pain in the Ass-40 Reasons not to Have Kids" Turns out, its written by a French woman. The French get away with the most outrageous stuff since they could give a rats ass what anyone thinks about them. But....of course we want to hear what they have to say about this.
The main reason, not to have kids, according to the author is they spoil your sex life. Well, no shit. Also, they leave you broke and penniless, and then grow up to be ungrateful, spoiled rotten, good for nothing little shitheads! And if that isn't enough to make you grease up the diaphragm, they leave big carbon footprints, (especially if you diaper them with disposables and feed them formula and solid foods made by multinational corporate agro biz!) The rob all your creative energy with the incessant demands, and make you feel like an indentured servant in your own home. There's more reasons, but you can read the article yourself.
The Chinese tried to limit their infestation with the "One Child" policy. We saw how that panned out. Americans adopted their baby girls, and now millions of young horny men have no place to put their pecker. Too bad the Chinese didn't get the opportunity to change their way of thinking to the French model!
So, having said this about creature infestation, can humans be infesting the planet as well? Most of you who read this blog, would not argue that statement. I was reading Alternet, which is my favorite online newspaper and I see this-"Kids are a Pain in the Ass-40 Reasons not to Have Kids" Turns out, its written by a French woman. The French get away with the most outrageous stuff since they could give a rats ass what anyone thinks about them. But....of course we want to hear what they have to say about this.
The main reason, not to have kids, according to the author is they spoil your sex life. Well, no shit. Also, they leave you broke and penniless, and then grow up to be ungrateful, spoiled rotten, good for nothing little shitheads! And if that isn't enough to make you grease up the diaphragm, they leave big carbon footprints, (especially if you diaper them with disposables and feed them formula and solid foods made by multinational corporate agro biz!) The rob all your creative energy with the incessant demands, and make you feel like an indentured servant in your own home. There's more reasons, but you can read the article yourself.
The Chinese tried to limit their infestation with the "One Child" policy. We saw how that panned out. Americans adopted their baby girls, and now millions of young horny men have no place to put their pecker. Too bad the Chinese didn't get the opportunity to change their way of thinking to the French model!